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NEO: The World Ends with You

NEO: The World Ends with You
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"Only the possibility of you can change our fate" A long-awaited new story in the world ends with you series has finally arrived! Rindo comes to the grim realization that his life is on the line when he is forced to compete in the so-called "Reapers' Game." there's no telling how this tale will unfold-but it's up to you to find out! Put your Psychic prowess to the test as you Duke it out on the stylishly animated streets of Shibuya. Features: delve into a vividly illustrated Shibuya, animated with style, music and monsters. Collect and Wield hundreds of psych abilities to battle surreal threats. Investigate the world around you and beat the "Reapers' Game" To survive.
  • Delve into a vividly illustrated Shibuya, animated with style, music and monsters.
  • collect and Wield hundreds of psych abilities to battle surreal threats.
  • investigate the world around you and beat the "Reapers' Game" To survive


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